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#theatre2016 The link to the article I’m responding to.

My response. Sorry if it offends but I simply had to do it!

This is music to 3MT’s ears.

The point I believe Sheena Wrigley is making is one that has needed ‘dismantling’ for quite some time. Focus on elitism and ‘hierarchy’ has engendered: a “general air of dissatisfaction”.

Sarah Walters (@SarahCityLife), Manchester Evening News, kindly covered the smaller Independent Manchester producing houses in the Evening News recently. Hope Mill and Three Minute Theatre.

3MT has been ‘plagued’ with the ‘door-slamming’ syndrome from ACE and mainstream houses in Manchester for some years now. Even though it is an independent, unfunded producing house supporting local artists and theatre companies for the past five years. This is no longer financially viable for 3MT so like any other business, diversification and new products are essential for its survival. Had ACE and collaboration been forthcoming, local support would have continued. 3MT is also under the impression it is not a ‘hot-spot’ recently described following a question at an ACE seminar at 3MT. So funding is more difficult to access. ‘Other projects will be preferred’.

3MT and its Manchester Shakespeare Company has developed and supported local actors to claim productions on their CVs. Lack of financial resources has not allowed 3MT to pay skilled performers and understandably, they move on only to find that mainstream houses advertise for ‘volunteers’ on a regular basis.

In 3MT’s experience, ‘volunteers’ have been graduate actors and other theatre practitioners.

There is an endemic perception: ‘actors are desperate for work’ so they will do it.

With five years’ experience of this situation, you could say 3MT has been at the forefront of this topic.

As frustrated as the artists. 3MT

Contact: if you need to discuss this.


The unforseen…happened!

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3MT is coming up to 5 years of age. It was born from a tiny stall with a proscenium stage and a maximum audience of six.

There they were battling away at ideas to generate income…and that continues.

For the first time, 3MT needs your support. It had no idea the space beneath had to close 3MT down in January whilst building stairs that will peep into the green room backstage – had to happen. The office will be on stilts.

It’ll take a week to clear backstage and a week to reconfigure before opening.  It’s a tall order for the diretors of 3MT. They’re not getting any younger and one of them is chronically ill. They didn’t see this one coming.

Opening as usual will be impossible for two weeks. And cancellations before Xmas doesn’t help the honey pot you dip into when urgent cash is needed.

We will need to open for the new training centre for adults who will be coming straight from work – 18 January.

The Crowdfunder UK project has had a great start but there’s signs of it slowing down. Asking for money isn’t something 3MT thought it would ever have to do. But! When the ‘unforseen’ comes to you without warning, it winds you and it’s ‘asking’ do you need 3MT? Because 3MT Needs You!


Thank You!

Merry Xmas and happy holidays!








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369 is Just the beginning! This title says so much more than it claims.

For three months we’ve worked with a community of actors and writers we know will be part of Commonword and 3MT’s life. And we look forward to it. But, we’re aware of the ‘lion’s roar’ now the tories are back.

‘The lion roared this morning’ in Scotland according to Alex Salmon: but one thing that is certain is the uncertainty that hangs over theatre and its strength in the heart of theatre and its community will always be bigger than any lion’s roar.

Theatre should focus on what’s important to its local community and it should oust the obsession with the roar of PRESTIGE in mainstream theatre.

Funds must be available to support theatre focusing on the roots and growth of its local community. But of course the reinstatement of the tory government will stamp funding for the arts out.Their focus should be on ensuring support for the people who keep this country on its feet and that includes theatre and its community.They generate income for the economy; they generate positivity; they generate a society free from the perils of depression.

The question must be then: how do we keep the theatre standing tall? We must make a stand.

Three Minute Theatre, Square Circle Theatre and Manchester Shakespeare Company will invest time and effort into all its projects and audience. It will not compromise its ethos for the sake of PRESTIGE which seems to sit by the side of mainstream theatre which will now absorb what little funds there are.

Tough times ahead! But the stand must be stood and stand tall.